Motivational Canvas Art

Home > Motivational Canvas Art

A selection of inspiring and motivational canvas art prints by Canvas Design. Perfect for your pain cave, office or just somewhere that you look up at and get that required magic to keep you going.

If you are a firm believer in staying motivated, you would always want to have visuals of wise words or photos in your house to get that much required positive energy. So Canvas Design have collected some of the most inspiring photos and phrases to put on Canvas for you.

Canvas design is your one stop destination for all kinds of canvas art with almost more than 500 images available for selection online. Some of the different categories of canvas art prints are artistic prints, auto prints, geometric prints, banksy prints, floral prints, sunset prints, iconic prints, black and white prints, spiritual prints, nature prints, etc.

Best quality

Canvas Design makes canvases using 380gsm pure cotton and 38 mm pine gallery bars sourced from renewable European forests. Frame sizes start from 6 inch to 40 inches. Frame types like square, portrait, landscape, etc. are available. You can also customize your image and image size by uploading the image on our virtual ordering system.

Top services:

We provide an optional hanging kit with the canvas for perfect positioning of the canvas. We take charge of all processes from printing to packaging and delivering at your doorstep. We guarantee delivery within 3-5 business days. Use discount code “canvas10” for 10% off your first order

We have been printing canvases since 2004. DVB and BBC are some of our exclusive customers. We have also featured in ITV’s 60 minute makeover, Branbury episode. So learn some inspirational words with art prints from canvas design. Log on to for further details.