What is a Giclee Canvas Print?

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Over the past few years, Giclee canvas prints have become extremely popular and appealing to customers worldwide. These prints look incredible, and the fact that you get to have a reproduction of various types of artwork is what sets them apart. But what is a Giclee canvas print and why should you get one? Let’s find out right away!

How is a Giclee Canvas Print created?

The Giclee prints are reproductions of art pieces using special inkjet printers. The process relies on using archival paper and ink. What happens is that you will get a very good detail and the color itself is vibrant too. But what sets it all apart is the fact that such print is valued for its fidelity and longevity, something that’s extremely important when you buy any canvas print.

When it comes to the name itself, Giclee comes from French, gicler. It means to spray or to squirt, and it’s a very interesting printing method these days. Being able to reproduce various types of art in a way that’s creative, innovative and also very unique is what truly sets the tone and makes a huge difference.

Giclee Canvas

Is a Giclee print different from other types of prints?

Yes, because in this case you are using specialized printers and also very good materials. That way you have an exceptional print, and not just a regular print that you may or may not like. A lot of the time, Giclee prints are a part of the luxury printing niche. That goes to show their uniqueness, and how much these types of prints stand out when compared to others on the market.

We should also note the fact that these Giclee prints also have a very good resale value. So if you eventually want to sell your Giclee canvas print, there are plenty of buyers on the market. It just goes to show you can get an exceptional result and very good return for your investment. The fact that you don’t have to pay a ton of money for that is even better, and that’s what makes it such an amazing thing to keep in mind.

What does the Giclee printing process entail?

Once you decide you want to have a Giclee canvas print, you will go through multiple processes, as you will notice below:

  • First, you will need to prepare the digital image. You want to make sure that the original art piece is scanned at a very high resolution. In general, the Giclee prints are expected to have lots of detail and clarity. But the truth is that you can’t have such a thing without a very good scan of the original. If the scan is very good, that will lead to a much better result and a wonderful experience.
  • Printing is the next step, and in this case you rely on the inkjet tech. What this does is it sprays some small droplets on the canvas. That way you have a very detailed image and an exceptional quality, which helps set it all apart from any other type of art piece.
  • Then once the printing process is handled, the canvas print goes through a quality control process. You want to make sure that the quality provided by the canvas is exactly as expected, and you want to avoid bad situations. Sometimes, it’s possible that you can add protective varnishes or coatings. Those can help you boost the durability of the Giclee canvas print, while adding to its look and consistency.

It’s crucial to note that the Giclee prints can be optimized and adjusted based on your needs. But in general, they are known for their exceptional clarity and very high value. At the end of the day, what matters is the quality of the print, and going for a very high quality will push the boundaries a lot more than expected.

How can you know that you have a Giclee print and not a regular print?

There are some telltale signs that you own a Giclee print, as you will notice below. A very important sign is that these prints are very clear and they are sharp too. There shouldn’t be any signs of blurriness or pixelation. On top of that, when you do have some color transitions, those are very smooth. A non- Giclee print will usually have color changes that are abrupt and which seem out of place.

Needles to say, the Giclee print will be made out of high quality materials. The canvas or paper are always very thick and you can see they bring a sense of value and consistency. Plus, every or at least most Giclee canvas prints come with a certificate of authenticity. You will know that this is a Giclee print since you have the certificate coming from the printer or artist, which is rarely something you get otherwise.

You’ll notice that Giclee prints are used for a variety of things, specifically for reproducing fine art. But there are other reasons too, like creating photographic prints, decorative or commercial art. The reasoning behind creating Giclee prints will vary, but it usually comes down to the need of having a beautiful, durable canvas print.

How can you take care of Giclee prints?

Buying Giclee prints is an easy process, since you can find many different options to fit your needs. The challenge comes from figuring out how to take good care of these prints. They can be quite easy to care for, but at the same time, there might also be some challenges that arise as well. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • When you clean any Giclee print, you want to use a dry, soft cloth. You should not use cleaning solutions or water. Those can damage the paper and ink, and they can be very problematic to deal with.
  • Also, try to avoid keeping the Giclee print in a place with extreme temperatures, lots of humidity or direct sunlight. That can lead to fading and damage in the long term.
  • The frame should always be made from durable materials, and you should also consider archival quality framing materials, if you can do that. A good frame will help protect your print and you can ensure it will last more than any other print out there.
  • Even when you are handling a Giclee canvas print, it helps if you are very careful. The main focus here is on making sure that your hands are dry and clean. Sometimes, if you really want to protect the print, you should be using cotton gloves. Yes, gloves can help because they make it easy to avoid dirt and oil transfer, which can be very problematic.


We are firm believers that a Giclee canvas print is an exceptional investment, if you want outstanding, beautiful art for your home or office. Not only are these Giclee prints visually impressive, they also help push the boundaries when it comes to value and style. That’s why they come as highly recommended for everyone that loves unique prints. Plus, the fact that they recreate older, real paintings using modern and very durable materials does go to show the stunning value you get from these Giclee prints as well!